8 research outputs found

    Ontological analysis of means-end links

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    The i* community has raised several main dialects and dozens of variations in the definition of the i* language. Differences may be found related not just to the representation of new concepts but to the very core of the i* language. In previous work we have tackled this issue mainly from a syntactic point of view, using metamodels and syntactic-based model interoperability frameworks. In this paper, we go one step beyond and consider the use of foundational ontologies in general, and UFO in particular, as a way to clarify the meaning of core i* constructs and as the basis to propose a normative definition. We focus here on one of the most characteristics i* constructs, namely means-end links.Postprint (published version

    An empirical study to validate the use of ontological guidelines in the creation of i* models

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    i* is a well known goal modeling framework, developed by a large and geographically dispersed research community. Currently, i* users tend to ascribe different and conflicting meanings to its constructs, leading to a non­ uniform use of the language, and consequently undermining its adoption. In previous works, we proposed ontological guidelines to support the creation of i* models, in an attempt to provide a solution to this problem. In this paper, we present an empirical study, to evaluate these ontological guidelines. Results show that for more experienced conceptual modelers, the ontological guidelines indeed support i* modeling. However, results are not as positive for non­experienced conceptual modelers.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    O sistema de remunerações e benefícios empresariais : influência na satisfação no trabalho : caso dos Motoristas da Macon Transportes Lda.

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    Mestrado em Gestão de Recursos HumanosO presente relatório tem como objetivo central identificar os tipos de recompensas (monetária ou não monetária) utilizadas pela empresa Macon Transportes, Lda, conhecer e identificar a relação existente entre as variáveis em estudo e a satisfação no trabalho dos seus motoristas. Para dar coerência ao raciocínio no decurso do seu desenvolvimento, cedemos privilégio, em primeiro lugar a abordagens acerca dos conceitos sobre o sistema de remunerações, benefício, satisfação, por conseguinte a relação entre as teorias dos conceitos e a aplicação na prática empresarial, dando ênfase à parte prática desenvolvida no decorrer da fase de estágio. Para melhor aprofundamento, percepção, identificação e conhecimento das variáveis em destaque, inquirimos uma amostra que foi costituída por 90 motoristas das várias áreas de serviço, notificados por meio de entrevista (ver guião de entrevista anexo 3 e 4). Os resultados obtidos evidenciam que os colaboradores e particularmente os motoristas da Macon, apesar das dificuldades, estão satisfeitos com o que recebem salarialmente em relação à função que desempenham, e mostram-se mais satisfeitos ainda, com os benefícios e com as condiçoes de trabalho, oferecidas pela organização. Não obstante a atual situação da crise económica do País que assola profundamente quer de forma direta ou indireta as organizações, aos trabalhadores e a população em geral.This report is mainly aimed to identify the types of rewards (monetary or non-monetary) used by the company Macon Transportes, Lda., Know and identify the relationship between the study variables and job satisfaction of their drivers. To give coherence to the reasoning in the course of its development, we give privilege, first approaches about the concepts of the remuneration system, benefit, satisfaction, therefore the relationship between the theories of concepts and application in business practice, emphasizing the practice of developed during the training phase. For deeper understanding, perception, identification and knowledge of the highlighted variable, we inquire a sample was qu costituida by 90 drivers from various areas of service, contacted through interviews and questionnaires (interview guide in Annex 3 and 4). The results show that the employees and particularly drivers of Macon, despite the difficulties, are satisfied with the salary they receive in relation to their function, and show even more satisfied with the benefits and the conditions of work, offered by the organization. Despite the current situation of the country's economic crisis plaguing deeply either directly or indirectly organizations, workers and the general population. Not having many options for employment improvements in the short and medium term

    Applying a foundational ontology to analyze means-end links in the i* framework

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    © 2011 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes,creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.The i* community has raised several main dialects and dozens of variations in the definition of the i* language. Differences may be found related not just to the representation of new concepts but to the very core of the i* language. If on the one hand this is caused by large adoption of the framework in the academic setting, on the other hand, it also poses some threats. For example, novices have trouble learning how to use the language, and besides these inconsistencies prevent i* from being largely adopted in business settings. Based on positive results from previous work related to conceptual modeling languages, we believe that foundational ontologies may present a promising solution for this problem. Foundational ontologies may help clarifying the semantics of core i* constructs and provide practical guidelines for their use. Last, they may serve as the basis to propose a normative definition of the framework. In this paper, we develop this idea, first by justifying the use of foundational ontologies and, in particular, the UFO ontology. Then, we raise some problems found in the i* literature. And then, we show the outcomes of adopting an ontological approach for the specific case of the i* framework. We focus here on one of the most characteristic i* construct, namely the means-end link.Peer Reviewe

    Ontological analysis of means-end links

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    The i* community has raised several main dialects and dozens of variations in the definition of the i* language. Differences may be found related not just to the representation of new concepts but to the very core of the i* language. In previous work we have tackled this issue mainly from a syntactic point of view, using metamodels and syntactic-based model interoperability frameworks. In this paper, we go one step beyond and consider the use of foundational ontologies in general, and UFO in particular, as a way to clarify the meaning of core i* constructs and as the basis to propose a normative definition. We focus here on one of the most characteristics i* constructs, namely means-end links

    Ontological analysis of means-end links

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    The i* community has raised several main dialects and dozens of variations in the definition of the i* language. Differences may be found related not just to the representation of new concepts but to the very core of the i* language. In previous work we have tackled this issue mainly from a syntactic point of view, using metamodels and syntactic-based model interoperability frameworks. In this paper, we go one step beyond and consider the use of foundational ontologies in general, and UFO in particular, as a way to clarify the meaning of core i* constructs and as the basis to propose a normative definition. We focus here on one of the most characteristics i* constructs, namely means-end links

    An empirical study to validate the use of ontological guidelines in the creation of i* models

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    i* is a well known goal modeling framework, developed by a large and geographically dispersed research community. Currently, i* users tend to ascribe different and conflicting meanings to its constructs, leading to a non­ uniform use of the language, and consequently undermining its adoption. In previous works, we proposed ontological guidelines to support the creation of i* models, in an attempt to provide a solution to this problem. In this paper, we present an empirical study, to evaluate these ontological guidelines. Results show that for more experienced conceptual modelers, the ontological guidelines indeed support i* modeling. However, results are not as positive for non­experienced conceptual modelers.Peer Reviewe

    An empirical study to validate the use of ontological guidelines in the creation of i* models

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    i* is a well known goal modeling framework, developed by a large and geographically dispersed research community. Currently, i* users tend to ascribe different and conflicting meanings to its constructs, leading to a non­ uniform use of the language, and consequently undermining its adoption. In previous works, we proposed ontological guidelines to support the creation of i* models, in an attempt to provide a solution to this problem. In this paper, we present an empirical study, to evaluate these ontological guidelines. Results show that for more experienced conceptual modelers, the ontological guidelines indeed support i* modeling. However, results are not as positive for non­experienced conceptual modelers.Peer Reviewe